Seventh Son - Movie Review


Directed by: Sergey Bodrov

From smooth Shape shifting visual effects that look so natural to medieval magic and epic fantasy action story combined with legendary actors and actress makes this movie based from a book so alive.

In a world where magic, dragons, witches and spooks exist. Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore)
a pure evil witch that could turn into a dragon, wanted to reign the world and mold with pure evil. Fortunately Master Gregory (Jeff Bridges) a legendary spook which is also the last of the falcon knights locked captured and imprisoned her somewhere she can never escape.

A couple of years later Mother Malkin getting her strength and power from the red moon which is nearly approaching made her escape and will plan to execute her vengeance and form her army to ruin the world.

Master Gregory  was looking for an apprentice to train and pass down his duty as a spook. His looking for the seventh son of the seventh son Tom Ward (Ben Barnes) a boy who feeds piglets and which also looking for an adventure.

For the past years Master Gregory was looking, training and failing to look for an apprentice he finds Tom Ward to be so differently unique and something that  Master Gregory can afford to lost. Because one thing is that Tom Ward can foresee something that will happen in the future.

They only have a couple of days left to train and make Tom Ward as a professional spook before the red moon arises and Tom Ward from being a piglet feeder with background of fighting, being a warrior or slaying witches and dragons has a lot to learn to defeat Mother Malkin.

With Mother Malkin alarmed that she knew only the spook could end her. She summoned her mighty and deadly warriors to stop Master Gregory and Tom Ward. From sending them her ferocious beast, finest assassins and deadly warlocks to persuading them and tempting Tom Ward to stop of becoming a spook.

I was really amazed and blown by this movie’s visual effects especially everytime when someone is shapeshifting from a dragon, a bear, and a big cat. Director Sergey Bodrov imagination was so beautiful from the way the story was delivered epically mixed with a medieval knight’s story who is also a spook to turning a farm boy who is son of the seventh son to bring peace and balance to world of witches and mankind.

The visual effects of this movie will make you like youre inside the movie and its action adventurous scenes makes this movie perfect for bringing your imagination to another love.

This movie is Rated PG-13 below is not allowed and a duration of 102mins.

Have you read the best-selling fantasy action adventure series that made this movie alive?

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